Welcome to Covenant Life Christian Ministries!

Where Imperfect People Worship a Perfect God

Covenant Life Christian Ministries (CLCM) is a young, dynamic, interdenominational church that is open to all people.  The Holy Bible is our authority and we strive to follow the commands set forth therein. We, here at Covenant, are not perfect and don't profess to be. Still, we are very intentional about letting the light of Jesus shine brightly through us. We take seriously our charge to love our neighbor as ourself and we live to serve.
Covenant is not a place for people who are looking to come, sit, be entertained for awhile and go home. At Covenant, every member is expected to actively contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Service to others is part of our spiritual DNA.

We are committed to being one of the most welcoming and friendly church’s in God’s creation.  We truly mean it when we say, “Come as you are!”  God looks on the inside not the outside.  If you have been in any form of bondage, whether physical or emotional, and you are looking for a place where folks will willingly help you break every chain that binds you, you can find rest and peace here. 

Welcome to CLCM! 


This Week's Word

  1. Can You Stand the Truth?
  2. What is Faith?